
Showing posts from February, 2011

Youth Must Prove That They Can Lead

The past few months has seen intensified clamor for youth leadership.Depate has been raging in the media and elsewhere about the need for the youth to take over the leadership of the country and participate in shaping its destiny. That there is no need for a generational change in leadership is not in question. There are many who argue that if Africa is to grow then it needs fresh ideas which can mainly come from the youth. However before the youth can stake claim on leadership, they have to tackle a number of challenges. First, the campaign to empower youth politically must shift to rural areas. Despite the fact that a majority of youth live in villages, the campaign to empower and motivate them to play a bigger role in political process has been concentrated in towns. There is urgent need to educate and enlighten rural youth so that they can be weaned off their previous existence in which they were mere pawns in the game of aspiring politicians. NARROW POLITICAL INTERESTS: Second. ...

Muuqaalka dhabta ah ee Ururka Qaramada Midoobay iyo Hadimada uu Geystay

HORDHAC Jimciyada quruumaha ka dhaxaysa waxaa la aasaasay sanadkii 1945kii kadib markii uu istagey dagaal-weynihii labaad ee aduunka kaas oo dunida ku reebay burbur iyo waliba kala qob-qobnaan badan oo cadaawad ma guuraan ah ku reebtay qalbiyada dadkii waqtigaas. Fikirka guud ee ka danbeysay asaaska jimciyadan ayaa ahayd in lagu soo afjaro colaadahaas isla markaasna lagu kala garnaqsado dib u dhisna loogu sameeyo goobihii iyo magaalooyinkii ku burburay dagaaladaas waa weynaa ee mudadaa socday. Ururka jimciyada quruumaha ka dhaxaysa ayaa waxaa ku midoobay dhamaan dalalka aduunka gaar ahaan wakhti xaadirkan waxaa xubno ka ah 192 dal inkastoo ay asalkiisa hore ay asaaseen ama fikirkiisa lahaayeen dalal yar oo kamida inta horumartay , dastuurka ama axdiga lagu dhaqo ururkan ayaa qiraya in dalkastaa oo madax banan isla markaasna ah mid dunidu ay aqoonsan tahay uu xaq u leeyahay inuu kursi ku yeesha golaha guud ee ururkaas. Wuxuu ka kooban yahay ururkani golle guud oo ah madasha ay ku kulmaa...